Thursday, April 09, 2009

Passover Fun

Noah and Jacob sipping their "wine" (sparkling grape juice) with spoons and relaxing on pillows.

(Eli's first Passover)

Turbulent times, are not no more. All is good, and we are on track to move as planned. Kyle, thankfully, still has his job lined up, and we are counting ourselves lucky and blessed.

We did our very first seder with our friends the Smiley's yesterday.
(That's Sean and his sister. His wife took the picture.)

We had so much fun and it was just what we needed for the kids. They tried to follow a long, but mostly sat there and sipped there juice with their spoons.
(Playing during the seder.)

The food was yummy. We made this new vegetable kugel which was very tasty, I want to make it again just because. There was also a good brisket, matzoh ball soup, passover chocolate chip cookies, and lots of wine. We also made Tispisti, a dessert made with almond meal and imbibed with sweet homemade syrup.

I don't think Noah and his friend Jacob ate, they were to busy chatting with each other and running around enjoying each others company. They did have fun looking for the afikoman, and kept saying, "Here's the afikoman!" holding up an invisible piece. When they did find it, they were rewarded with froggy treats.

I made afikoman covers. I think I should try to sell some next year. They were easy to make, and could be personalized or used for a passover craft.

It was a great start to the passover season, and I feel pumped, armed with kosher for passover recipes and a pantry filled with matzah. Still have one more family seder to go to on the last night.

Chag Sameach! (Happy Passover!)

1 comment:

Maverick Anthony said...

Sara, it sure looks like ya'll had a great Passover. It's so cool to see Noah interacting with other kids his age. You have the sweetest boys! I love you!