Friday, July 21, 2006

5 Months Old

(ymca baby)

(ahhh, the good life)

Our little boy is 5 months old today. (I gave up on that whole weekly updating, it got to confusing.) He's growing up too fast!!! He can now:
-Roll from his back to his tummy, but only seems to go towards his left side.
-Loves to say Da da da da, and hold several conversations in this language.
-Has starting eating solid foods, fruits and veggies. (we might start giving him coca-cola in his bottle at nighttime...8 P, and ice cream for dinner)
-he has begun to recognize he has a mom and a dad, and will experience stranger danger anxiety.
-still does not sleep in a crib.
-is quite the grabby hands, and really likes to play with paper

He's has been getting lots of attention, because grandma and grandpa are here. Luckily no stranger danger there, that wouldn't be any fun.

Now here's what a 5 month old can do:
Delight in knowing that if he drops something, it can even come back (although he doesn't look for it herself yet)
Head control improves further and can now hold his head steady when in sitting position
Attract you to him by making a variety of sounds (yes like to coo or sigh very loudly)
Put his feet into his mouth to play (our baby is not too interested in his feet)
Begins to concentrate on small details on her toys
Enjoy the sound of crumpling of paper (right on target with this one)
Socialise with her reflection in the mirror thinking its another person
Socialises and smiles at everyone who smiles back
Start using combinations of vowels and consonants
Differentiate between 'Yes' and 'No' when used in the correct tone (haven't tried doing this too much)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sara,
Sure had a good time with you guys and "the little guy". Will miss working out with him in "the Gym". By the way, I'm sure I saw him also roll to the right, a la Michael Jordan. Just needs to see the opening and he's there and gone! Thanks again. Love, Daddy