Monday, August 21, 2006

6th months old

I had to take him to get some kiddie kandids. We have lots of cute wallet pictures , and we'll surely be giving them out to everyone. I think my favorite pictures are the one with the white background and the one in the suitcase. I should have brought some glasses - I was going for a nerdy look. The wagon pics are pretty darn cute.

A whole half of a year. Wow! Another doctor's visit and some more shots - ow!

He's weighing: 21 pounds on the money - I thought he was going to be heavier.
His height is: 28 1/4 inches - he's grown 2 inches in two months
His bubble head: 17 3/4 inches - what a brain!

What your baby can do:

Express excitement by squealing and laughing and anger by screaming (oh yea - he's a screamer)
Sit up when you hold his hands (yes, getting quite good at sitting up)
Show a lot of interest in what is going on around him (busy hands junior - Uncle Larry is busy hands senior)
Keep himself busy with his own company
Push himself along by kicking (probably backwards first) as he is unable to crawl yet (or squirming)
Grasp objects and pass them from one hand to another (yup)
Respond to her name (yup)
Pull long hair! (Beware!) (oh and scratch faces too - it's like my face is some sort of playdoh to him)
Become wary of strangers quite unlike the friendly baby he was before (he's still pretty friendly - especially with the ladies)
Become very talkative babbling something or the other all the time (dada this, dada that)
May be able to sit in a high-chair


Anonymous said...

OH how precious! Love all the shots! That's my grandbaby.Quit a charmer. I will want a copy of all these shots. GIVE HIM A BIG SMACKER FROM ME!!! ~Gran-mame

Anonymous said...

Those pics are awesome. I've been showing everyone Noah's "business card." But after seeing the little cutie in person, even those beautiful pics don't do him justice. He's a doll!


Sara said...

Awww, thanks! I'm glad you got to meet him. And it was sure nice to finally see you! We'll have to plan a trip to visit, or another reunion where we meet half way - how about Arkansas - I hear there is some good food there.