Friday, August 11, 2006

disgustingly busy

If you can't already tell, school as started for me. I hate it already. This new principal is killing me. I already regret that I did not look for a new job during the summer. I guess I shouldn't look to him as a shining example, as he is demanding, yet does not have his shiznitz together. ARG! I did not have a good day today. He had me get a bunch of stuff ready to present for today. And then didn't even bother to let me present it. Blew me off when I tried to ask about it. I'm pretty pissed.

Anyhoo, Noah started his new daycare this week. He was really spoiled this week because is was only him and another baby in the unit. So he got a lot of attention, as he deserves it all. It's a daycare where where employees and high school students can leave their kids. The high school kids kids start next week. It'll be all different next week. But his daycare lady is very nice to him, and she is highly regarded by another teacher I work with.

This is a the most recent picture of Noah. He's getting better at holding that bottle. It's a little easier when the bottle is mostly empty.

This was the night Noah would not go to bed. We'd tried everything to get him to go to sleep. He stayed up until 10pm. Just wanted to keep playing I guess.

This one's just super cute. He doesn't just lay around on the couch, he likes to sit up and play with the remote control. Are we bad parents if our child is already a couch potatoe?

If I disappear again, it might be because I'm at the looney bin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,
Your day just got worse. You spelled potato like Bush i.e.potatoe. Or was it Quale? Anyway, don't let them get you down at school! You probably know twice as much about Special Ed as he does. And in the end, you've got that great kid to go pick up and take home with you. Yippee!!!
Love, Daddy