+ we can no longer block you into one area. You are everywhere, into everything. Especially the cabinets in the kitchen. I don't even think dropping a pie plate on your foot made you realize you shouldn't be in there. Hurrican Noah has made landfall.
+walking like crazy. Not the suavest, but you can't get enough.
+realizing cause and effect - playing with the glow worm and dancing to the music. Turning the tv off while we are watching it....grrrr....
+words are trying to be formed...ba for bottle...pa for puffs...dada...for mom and dad...you go brrrr when you are playing with your airplane or see a moving vehicle.
+you are pretty friendly. Smiling at strangers, handing people golf balls at the Children's Museum.
+want to eat everything thing...EVERYTHING...carpet fuzz, paper punches, grapefruit, chocolate pudding, green beans, granola bars, yogurt, turkey bacon...and yet you still want us to give you water in a bottle. A sippy cup is too tedious.
+you like reading, and know which page you are looking for when we are reading Wild Animals (the frog with the sticky feet).
The future: I've decided, you will only wear diapers and a t-shirt during the summer. It's much easier to change you that way, and we'll even throw on a paper of shorts - if we have too. We can go to the Children's Museum all the time, because now we are members. More experimenting with food, because we bought this neat contraption for veggies and fruits - The Fresh Food Feeder, but it has this mesh so you won't choke. We'll see.
Today we went to Oaxacan Tameleo - which was very good. The tamales are different. She doesn't use lard - she uses banana leaves. They were healthier tasting. This place also has a nice red mole. We'll probably be going there a lot - it's also extremely affordable. The tamarindo tea and fried plantains were all fabulouso. I also practiced my spanish - which is pretty poor - but it was fun to try. What is "to buy" in Spanish?
More fun at the Children's Museum.
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