Thursday, February 26, 2009

Almost done

Happy Birthday sweet boy!
You sure had fun on your big day, and it was everything we had practiced, singing, cake, blowing out candles. Whew! Time to start practicing for next year, sand cakes here we come!

The Bar will be over today. We'll breath a big sigh of relief, start making plans to move, and hope the results are positive. We've been waiting for this, and now it has come and about to be gone.

The past two months have been difficult. Or maybe it's the past three years. But I think it's all going to be alright.

Noah turned 3 last weekend. He had an awesome birthday party - digger trucks, digger cake, friends, and family. He was very happy to celebrate his big day, and is still enjoying opening up present. We unwrapped them, just haven't taken everything out of the boxes yet.

Eli ate sweet potatoes yesterday. His teeth are coming in and irritating him.

Noah was funny the other night. I was rubbing his back and he said, "Don't rub my back Mommy. I'm not a bath tub." He's silly. We are also trying to teach him manners, such as asking to be excused from the table. He learning to get the words in the right order.

Avocado margaritas - I'll be seeing you soon.

Then I need to get serious about school, packing, and getting us moved. But we'll start all that on Monday hopefully.

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