Sunday, March 01, 2009

Indian Food

Coloring at Torah tots

Noah loved the Chicken Tikka Masala yesterday. I'm happy that he likes a variety of foods. Probably gets that from both of us. We are foodies. It hasn't been easy to be foodies, with two kiddies around now. Frozen pizza, hot dogs, something crock-pot, pretty bland. I'm not the domesticated goddess I'd like to be. It is good to know that we can just buy the tikka sauce from Masala Wok and use this with left over chicken.

We had a good weekend. Torah tots today, children's musuem and Build and Grow yesterday. I did this month's calendar, and here we go again with another activity filled month. Exciting, tiring, fun? A combo. And I still find classes I'd like to do with Noah. I found a mommy and me Karate class. Wouldn't that be fun?

At the museum, I learned how to make shrinky-dinks.
Number 6 plastics (strawberry containers are usually number 6)
sharpies to decorate
325 on the toaster oven
Let the plastics bake - they will curl up and then lie back flat. When they lie back flat, they are done.

I still need to try this to see if it actually works. I loved shrinky-dinks, thought they were so cool. I had some Smurf Shrinky-dinks when I was little.

Purim festivities start this week. Looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I check the Shakespeare blogger everyday. Enjoy keeping up with all you, Kyle and the kids are doing~Mommy