Friday, March 13, 2009

Go Fish

Making matches.

Tonight we taught Noah how to play Go Fish. We had to be very detailed with the directions but on his level. It was very successful and he had a lot of fun playing. We did have to play with all the cards showing for the first time. We were also explaining to him how he should ask for cards to match and what that would sound like. It was fun, and I could see his wheels turning and wrapping around the game. I think we'll be playing like this for a while.

I wonder at one point kids become competitive. We aren't pushing that, it's all friendly and helping each other when we take someone else's cards. Thus far, he doesn't have a distinction between winning and losing.

I was trying to remember when I learned Go Fish. I don't remember. It's just there in the brain. It's so neat to see him learning.

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