This book sucks and I am wasting my time writing about it. Alas, I will do so, because I am trying to keep track of the books I have read. So I guess that is a valid enough reason. Sure the author was 17 years old when he wrote the book, that's pretty evident.
I don't appreciate his plot tactic which causes the main character to faint everytime there is a major transition in the story. The dialog is dull. The story idea started off interesting enough, but his pacing was not great - too fast at time, too slow at others.
I had to force my self to finish it. I am not the best at finishing things. I'm great at starting new projects, books, etc...I am working on finishing things up. AndI did it with this book - eeegads was it pure torture.
I like how this one amazon reviewer summoned up the book:
"Overuse, and improper use, of language - no stars
Boring, one dimensional characters - no stars
Boring one dimensional and repetitive plot devices - no stars
Absence of originality, but the weyrcat pretty cool anyway - one star
Brom/Eragon relationship okay - one star
Eragon/Arya relationship (with yucky adolescent wet dreams) - MINUS one star.
Getting me to read The Eye of the Wheel - 3 stars
Having my husband leave me annoying voice mail in a deep raspy voice saying "I love you little one" - 5 stars
And that adds up to one star. No Paolini in my future."
This is a great book if you need something to put you to sleep. Unfortunately for me, we bought the second book before we finished the 1st one...I'm worried I might pick it up.......ack.....toliet paper perhaps?
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