Today poor little Noah had to go to the doctor for a check up in the morning. And he also was circumsized (sp?) in the afternoon. So his morning started off with a mean ol' nurse pricking his foot to draw blood. And his evening was wrapped up with major pain to his prick...poor guy. His screaming in pain is not one of my favorite things to listen to.
On the plus side, we discovered gas medicine, which hopefully will help him sleep better at night. Way to go little guy, today was a rough one.
The day started out sooo peaceful...

a little sleep..finally...he did sleep in his car seat half the was a gas thing.
Then on to the doctor's office, where the first poking and prickings of the day began.

Then Noah finds out what's really going on this evening. "You're going to do WHAT to me?@?@#"

All's well that ends well, for those not getting circumsized, those giants who let this happen to poor little Noah.
He is soooooo adorable!
Is the poor little guy yawning or crying in the last pic?
Congrats on the new baby!
Hi Sara,
Sure miss my little grandbaby. He sure looks adorable in all the pictures,especially the one with his face on the blue blanket. I
have been showing off all the pictures I took at work. They all think I have a beautiful grandson. They were also admiring my lovely daughter. They know Mariana and they thought it was she who had the baby , but when they say your picture with the baby they did not know that I had another daughter that was so beautiful. They thought you looked great right after having the baby but when they saw you with your hair down on the picture where you are sitting with kyle's parents they could not believe how even more beautiful you looked with your hair down. I told them that she looked just like her mother. Keep sending the pictures. I will never get enough of my grandbaby. I miss him so. I love you! A big hug and kiss to Noah from grand-mommy & paw paw
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