Monday, March 06, 2006


Today Noah and I went for a walk to the grocery store. He was a good boy and stayed awake the whole time, just watching the world. We also took Noah to the kite festival yesterday, which was incredibly packed with people. There was not a lot of wind thou, at least when we went. So we didn't see many kites. We watched the Oscars last night, which is a treat. It's fun to sit and talk about how awful so and so's dress looks, ie Charlize Theron, or how great a dress looks.

Here's some stroller pictures,
And Noah's favorite thing to suck on: Daddy's fingers. We have learned he needs fingers and a car seat to fall asleep at night - not a pacifiers and cradle kind of kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sweet boy. Keep sending more pictures for grandmommy. I miss my little Noah!!!