Yeah, I was trying to get pictures up to show the 5th week of Noah's growth and progress, but this week has been pretty busy. And I ate cheesecake and I don't think it agrees with the baby's digestive system as he was crying all day on his 5th week of life, unless he was just reliving his birth all day long. We were out of town yesterday.
Go Horns!

This one's just cute.

Noah's first beer...

and second beer... (We were at a
Keep Austin Blue rally of some sort.)

and passing out.
Uncle Abram started taking the pictures of
Noah with the beer.
Well Dr. Phil is about to be on, or I could clean up the household, or do some grading..oh choices!
Hey Sara C!
It's Letitia (Teesh), Congrats on your beautiful babe! I want to send something and catch up. Call me 877-682-7262. It's my work number.
Hi Sara,
Hook em horns!!! Looks cute in his outfit. I love the picture in the carrier. He's a cutie. I check everyday to find pictures of my baby. A big kiss to him from grandmommy! And STOP taking him to those bars at an early age.~tu mama
Thanks for the link, Sara!
You can see the one picture of Noah I got to come out at the bottom of this post:
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