Monday, September 06, 2004

So yay

Well it's been a while. We did indeed buy a new Toyota Matrix. I don't know how we have been living without A/C and a CD player!!! Those simple features bring a lot of joy to the driving experience.

I also recently, like last week, became department chair/lead teacher or what you will, of the special eductation department at my school. So I have been quite busy, trying to navigate through the paperwork nightmare that was left to me. The nightmare is subsiding and now I just have to work with being a "leader." And well, sifting through the never ending paperwork of Special Ed.

We did not do much for Labor day weekend. We did see Garden State, which was awesome, and bought the soundtrack, which I adore. There are many songs with the theme of life as beautiful and beauty in breaking down. Just a really great album.

So yay, the work grind shall begin again, a four day week. Quite lovely. Actually 3 day, cuz I get a sub tomorrow so I can finish this paperwork crapola!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too thought Garden State was pretty Kick Ass. I loved it's life lessons. The Postal Service, a band on the soundtrack, is really cool as well. You have to check them out. The album was put together by to guys, through the mail, hence the name.