Thursday, June 15, 2006

Goings On

Since there is packing, cleaning, and laundry to do, I thought I'd go ahead and play around on the computer. So with baby on lap and kicking the keyboard in (its on one of those sliding shelves), I thought I'd update on my life.

So in no particular order,
-I'm am now a Mrs.
-we are homeowners
-school's out for the summer!!!!
-the air conditioner broke in our city condo (which I have just spelled corrected from condom, that would have been strange)
-we had to make an emergengy move last night to the new house, or else Kyle would have melted, and perhaps, just perhaps I would have too, I do have a higher tolerance for the heat (many, many thanks to Larry)
-the air has now been fixed yay (something just went bump in the attic though, perhaps broken again, I'll have Kyle deal with that when he comes home)
-I'm wishing I knew how to make my blog fancified.
-Little boy Noah is getting better at lifting his head up, it is quite the hefty head.
-I'm reading the Dark Is Rising (Susan Cooper) and The Girl With the Flammable Red Skirt (Aimee Bender)
-I am desiring to do some crafts and cooking, but I don't feel as if I can at the moment as we are divided between to homes
-I desire to join the Wardrobe Refashion but I pittled around too long and did not send an email. Now they aren't accepting any more pledges until August. Oh well, I'll take the challenge on my own and have begun to refashion a wintery dress into a summery dress.
-I'm really enjoying this site Poco-Cocoa. Reading it makes me want to craft and cook. I have discovered many, many craft blogs out there, I must say I'm excited and inspired.

That's pretty much what's been up. Now some cuteness brought to you by Noah, titled, 1. Boy lifts head, 2. Tuxy Boy, and 3.Gimme some food...or else...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noah looks so handsome in his tuxs! Save that picture for when he goes out on his first formal date. Keep those pictures coming! He's building up strength by starting the head lifts. I miss being there to see him grow. Hope to see him real soon. Give him a big kiss from me. Let us know when you moved in. Love you! Tu Mama & Grams