Thursday, June 29, 2006

Solid foods & A Sweet Ride

Today we fed Noah solid food for the first time. We went with oatmeal even though the doctors recommend rice because it is less allergenic. The oatmeal is supposed to not constipate as much, so we went with oatmeal. Ahh poop, the story of a baby's life.

It was quite messy and he doesn't reallyunderstand the concept of eating, because he was sucking down the food. We'll keep trying. We are supposed to stick with oatmeal for a week and then we can move on to the more colorful stuff like peas and carrots. Yum, yummmmmy!!!!

We also pimped Noah's ride out, (he looks very confused) and put together his deluxe stroller. That thing is soo cool. I can hook my mp3 player up to it and there are speakers so that Noah can hear the music too. The only down side is that the stroller people recommend the baby be able to sit up before we use it. He can't quite do that yet, but soon enough though.

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